The Kenai Peninsula
The start of our second week in Alaska also marked the beginning of our second road trip. This time we're not going up into interior Alaska, but rather down south to visit the Kenai Peninsula. With a pop-up trailer attached to the huge car we started our way south via the seward highway along Turnagain Arm. During the five hour drive we passed through Copper Landing, Sterling, Soldotna and Anchor Point to finally make it to our destination: Homer. The scenic drive led us along the sea, through the Chugach Mountains, over several rivers and swamp areas.
Here we set up our camp at the "Fisherman's Resort" and then took a walk to explore the city. We ended up at the beginning of the Homer Spit, where we had the pleasure to watch a few bald eagles.
Afterwards we made a campfire for our dinner, which consisted of baked potatoes, corn on the cob and bratwurst.
The weather here is a bit cooler and a bit more damp than further in the north. So far we didn't have any hard rain or low temperatures though. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a few more nice days, to be able to enjoy this trip as much as possible. We're going to be in Homer for two nights, and on our second day here we will make our way back up towards Seward, with a short stop in Kenai.
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